Depending on GodFirst Thought or Last

As Christians,  we talk about depending on God for everything. But do we really, is it our first thought or our last? Do we wait until we are desperate, pleading and can’t think of anything we can do ourselves?

When I think of my life, I know that sometimes I used God as a last resort. I thought I could handle it, if only I organize better, planned more,did more. When I only had three children I felt capable. I could check off the little boxes, continue my routines, and get it all done.

Crisis Mode

When a crisis came up I prayed and prayed that God would take care of it. As we added more children I obviously organized more but I also depended on God more. I couldn’t do it all myself. Little prayers throughout the day, help me God with this, show me how to do that. God I needed Him more.

Sometimes I think that’s why God gives us extra things. He throws us in the deep end of the pool, so to speak. Hoping that we  we will turn to Him. But we need to be looking to Him first, last, and always.

As we’ve had crises I’ve turned to Him more and more. I need Him more and more.  I’ve learned that I cannot depend upon myself and I can only depend upon him.

When we had our first house fire we had to depend on Him daily for a place to live, to help with insurance, even  for clothes on our back . We had to depend on Him hourly just to get through the day. In no time, instead of making me weak, I had God’s strength. Scripture says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And He did. When I am weak He is strong and I can depend on His strength.

Strength and Prayers

Christ is the one who strengthens me throughout my day. He strengthens me as I raise my children and gives me wisdom while doing so. He is the one who gets me through my day.

As mothers, we don’t always have a large chunk of time to spend in prayer. I know I do now, but when I had many little ones,  God listened to little prayers. Small ones through the day over and over again, asking for strength, help,  and refuge. I kept scripture and hymns pasted inside my kitchen cupboards to remind me. I read a book where they describe the little prayers as p-mails, instead of emails. Short little prayers sent directly to God that He hears us and cares and about each little thing. 

After our second fire and my health declined, I had to depend even more on God. I didn’t have the physical strength I  had before. Begging to God, “Why did you give me 10 children and you didn’t give me the ability to care for them.?” The only thing I know is so I could depend more and more on Him. I became utterly dependent on the only One who could truly help me in need. 

Depending on God

So when you pray to God,  is it your first thought or last resort? Are you depending on God for every aspect of your life or just the crises? Please let me know how depending on God has changed your life..

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Christina Renee

Hi, I'm Christina, a wife of 33 years, mom of 10 and grandmother of 3. I love to help other Moms with mothering, organizing their homes and routines. I've had a lot of struggles with illness having fibromyalgia and being an amputee. Talking to other moms with the challenges that bring and succeeding in spite of it.

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