Christmas Traditions- Keep or Change

Christmas Traditions- Keep or Change

Christmas Traditions- Keep or Change

Rethinking Christmas Traditions

I have been working on the Holiday Grand Plan and one of the weeks they have you question the values, activities, etc. that make Christmas important to you. We have a large family, 10 children,  grandchildren, spouses, parents, etc.  I thought by now I knew all the Christmas traditions that they loved.
But some things that I thought were important; to my family were not. So use this time to talk over with your family and you may find out some of the things that you are wearing yourself out over are just not that important to them.  So I am rethinking our Christmas traditions; to keep or change?

Changing Christmas Traditions

You may find that they don’t want to go to the Nutcracker every year but would rather stay home and make snowball fights.

That they want to use (gasp!) decorated paper plates for Christmas rather than china.

Find out Their Favorites

That your youngest daughter’s 2 favorite things are caroling to the neighbors and bringing them cookies and having the family picture taken for cards. (Now that is strange. Have you ever tried to get 10 people to match, not let anyone get dirty before we leave, all the hair and make up done, we have 7 daughters. It takes hours and we haven’t even left the house yet. Then get everyone to smile at the same time.) And this? is her favorite thing? Strange bird.
That your other daughter’s favorite is the Grinch Night (more to come). And she hates going to the Live Nativity. Except for the hot chocolate and cookies.

As They Grow

You might need to change Christmas traditions as your children grow up and what was once fun is not now. Or rotating some and doing them every other year instead of every year.
So we are making adjustments this year. I am trying to simplify a little so I can enjoy Christmas as much as the rest of my family.

Christmas is Christ Coming

Christmas is Christ Coming

I love Christmas, the sights, the smells, the decorations, the feeling of expectation. There is something wonderful about having a whole season focused on…..Christ. Christmas is Christ Coming.

Christmas is Christ Coming


What is your focus? If you go into the world,; it is presents, the gimmee’s, Santa, shopping, rushing, doing and all the stuff that goes along with it. The decorating, the tree and themselves. Smile. Or do you focus on Christmas as Christ Coming?

But to have a whole season to be able to be focused on Jesus, that is a gift. Yes, I know we should do that every day, but to have this season of anticipation… Can you imagine so long ago the anticipation they had waiting for Jesus to come? Knowing He would change our lives forever. Do you anticipate His second coming as much as you do Christmas?


My children joke I am the biggest child at Christmas. I love to decorate for my family, to bake, to buy presents and look forward to how much they will enjoy them. I love to teach my children why we do the things we do at Christmas. Why do we give presents and decorate and bake. Each year we bake a lot. We carol and give cookies to out neighbors. It is my son’s favorite activity for this time of year. He has been repeatedly asking when they can go give cookies out. And sing, loudly to the neighbors. I have been telling him he needs to wait within a week of Christmas. So we looking forward to delivering  cookies and having a wonderful time. Giving, not getting.

Anticipation- Christmas is Christ Coming

Don’t you imagine that Jesus is having a wonderful time anticipating us coming to heaven. We know He is getting a place ready for us. Don’t you think it will be wonderfully decorated with a feast waiting for us. Isn’t it hard to wait for that?



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