The Trouble with Children and Electronics

Do you ever have trouble with your children and their electronics? Does it seem like headphones grow out of their ears? Do they listen more to the electronic voices than the people around them? You’re not alone. I think most parents have a love/hate relationship with electronics and their children. It is a way of communication when you’re apart, but it can also pull you apart. They have all these voices in their ears pulling them away from you. Voices that are sometimes more important than yours.

No Electronics at Meals

We now have in place a set of rules for electronics. I did not put meals on there because we already have a rule for no electronics at the table. There are very few exceptions. We even tell guests about our no electronic rules for meals. They have all been very gracious about it.

Electronics Can Be Used When

This puts the usage of their electronics directly back on them. All I have to do is ask them “Is your checklist done?” Jordan Page on Fun Cheap or Free asks her kids “Have you done your squares yet?” This puts the responsibility directly back on them. If they want to use electronics, they know what needs done first.

What’s Important

There are many things more important than checking up on social media. Children and even some adults need to learn to do the necessary things first in order to do the important things done for life. For children, it is chores, homework, as adults, we still have chores and work. I want them to develop habits of reading their Bible, prayer, exercise, reading and being helpful to others. Learning to prioritize is a lifelong skill that every person needs to know.

Enforcing Electronic Rules

Now that we have our checklist, we have to enforce it. Unless you have little robot children, they’ll try and push the rules. Children almost always push the rules. Have a plan in place so you know what you’ll do when you see them with their phones. We have an electronics home for them to stay in during off times. And the electronics may get taken away and left there for a day for the first offense and multiplied after that.

So what tips do you have for children and electronics? Do you have rules?

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Christina Renee

Hi, I'm Christina, a wife of 33 years, mom of 10 and grandmother of 3. I love to help other Moms with mothering, organizing their homes and routines. I've had a lot of struggles with illness having fibromyalgia and being an amputee. Talking to other moms with the challenges that bring and succeeding in spite of it.

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