Getting ready for baby part 2

Going Home

When getting ready for baby a big part of  planning is going home. You will have visitors. Don’t be afraid to tell them it’s not a good time. And when those visitors do come, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Yes they want to hold the baby but they also want you to feel cared for. A lot of people offer but are not quite sure what needs done. Have a list, laundry folded, dishes, etc.


Get your rest. You are responsible for someone else now and they need you to be rested too. Nap when the baby naps. Now you won’t need to nap every time but make it a point to get at least one good nap a day in.


Your relationship with your honey will change. Make sure you both get some time alone, even if it’s just to take a hot bath at first. You’ll need that to recharge. You can’t give from an empty cup. Fill yours up.

Get time together too. Try and get an adult date in but don’t be surprised if you spend most of your time talking about the baby. You’ll get in a new rythym together. You don’t even have to go out. Have a date night in.

Be Safe but not Fearful

There is all these new things are not supposed to do. Use commom sense. I am not telling you to throw everything you are told but all my children are fine and I never once heated up a lunch meat sandwich.

You Don’t Need Everything

I know many book tell you an abundance of baby needs. Have you  ever seen a comercial that contrasts the first baby with 2nd or 3rd babies, HUGE difference.  Getting ready for baby does include a lot of stuff, just not as much as you read about.

A few things I loved: a sling, baby loves being close to mom and you have your hands free. And you can use them a long while.

A swing when they are little or a bouncy seat.   These only get used a few months but they can be life savers. They only need a few toys and lots of love and cuddles.

It Goes Quick

While there are times when it seems like they will be crying (I had 3 with colic) or you will be changing diapers forever, it goes much faster than you think it will. My youngest is now 10 but at one point we had 5 children 6 and under. Wow, looking back, I’m not sure how we did it but I do know it went fast. I look back on pictures of when they were young and it seems like forever ago. Savor the times you have now. It’s gone really fast.

Here is a link to part 1 if you found this helpful.


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Christina Renee

Hi, I'm Christina, a wife of 33 years, mom of 10 and grandmother of 3. I love to help other Moms with mothering, organizing their homes and routines. I've had a lot of struggles with illness having fibromyalgia and being an amputee. Talking to other moms with the challenges that bring and succeeding in spite of it.

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