There’s no denying that life can be tough. WAYS TO OVERCOME

Life is full of challenges. Some days it feels like everything is going against us and there’s nothing we can do to overcome the obstacles in our way. But the fact is, we all have the power to overcome anything life throws at us.

We all face challenges, big and small, on a daily basis. But the good news is that we can overcome anything if we put our minds to it. Here are 7 ways to overcome anything:

1. Belief in yourself.

If you don’t believe in yourself, who will? Have faith in your abilities and trust that you can overcome whatever obstacle is in your way.  It may sound cliché, but self-belief is essential if you want to overcome any challenge. When you believe in yourself, you give yourself the strength to keep going even when things are tough.

2. Set your sights high.

If you’re constantly looking for ways to overcome challenges, you’ll find them. But if you set your sights too low, you’ll never push yourself outside of your comfort zone and you’ll never grow or achieve anything great. Visualize success. See yourself overcoming your obstacle in your mind. Go through this step by step, seeing yourself doing what your goal is  and suceeding at it.

3. Be persistent.

One of the most important keys to overcoming any challenge is simply not giving up. You may not achieve your goal on the first try, but if you’re persistent, you’ll eventually get there.  Never give up and never give in. If you keep pushing forward, eventually you’ll reach your goal.

In the words of Winston Churchill;

Never, never, never, never, never give up

4. Stay positive.

It’s easy to get bogged down by negativity when faced with a difficult situation. But if you stay positive, you’ll be able to see the silver lining and you’ll become more resilient. It’s easy to get down when things are tough, but it’s important to stay positive and keep your head up. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining.

5. Be Thankful.  

The year I had 12 surgeries, I made it by keeping a gratitude journal. It’s hard to be complaining and tankful at the same time. I still keep a list to this day. It can be anything from the mundane to special memories. But not all will be special, some days, I’m thankful to just get out of bed. It can be your children playing and getting along, or great smells from supper cooking. There is always something to be thankful for.

6. Keep a Positive Mindset

Use positive self-talk. When negative thoughts about your fear start creeping in, remind yourself of all the times you’ve overcome difficult challenges in the past and how capable you are of doing so again. There are so many resources on the internet today. You can get on Youtube and find meditations with affirmations. You can find Ted Talks or Youtubers that speak on changing your mindset. So many of us have these tape players in our heads saying what you can’t do. Instead, start saying what you can do.

7. Create a support network.

Talk to friends and family about your obtacle/goal  and ask for their help and support as you work to overcome it.
Educate yourself. A lot of courses have Facebook groups to help you, or you can find a Facebook group to support you.

8. Lastly, be flexible.

Sometimes the best-laid plans fall apart. When this happens, be flexible and adapt to the situation. The ability to roll with the punches is an essential quality for anyone who wants to overcome anything. Learn from your mistakes. We all make mistakes, but it’s important to learn from them and not repeat them in the future. Mistakes are part of life, but they can teach us valuable lessons if we let them.


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Christina Renee

Hi, I'm Christina, a wife of 33 years, mom of 10 and grandmother of 3. I love to help other Moms with mothering, organizing their homes and routines. I've had a lot of struggles with illness having fibromyalgia and being an amputee. Talking to other moms with the challenges that bring and succeeding in spite of it.

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