My Perspective

My Perspective

I am in charge of my own perspective. Not my circumstances, my house, children, their actions or anything else. When I come into the dining room and see the “tent” my children have created and the “store ” underneath with all the boxes, dishes and whatever else they found; I can think how creative they are and be thankful they have good imaginations or I can see a mess and tell them to quickly clean it up. I have been guilty of the later more than the former more often than I like to remember. It is very easy to see the mess that was just cleaned rather than the memories that were just created.

Setting the Tone of Your Home

In the south theirs a saying” If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” And isn’t that the truth. We set the tone for our home. We are in charge of our attitudes and the atmosphere in our home. When we have a day when things don’t go quite right we can choose to keep our attitude right in the midst of it. You can put on a happy face, a little lipstick won’t hurt either. We are an example for our children in this. Do they see you rising above the circumstances of life or blaming them for all the things that aren’t quite right. Our children are watching more than listening. Do you set a happy tone?

Daily Activities

When I go through our day I need to look at the things and see the blessings that are in my daily life. The many meals I cook are because we have food to eat and dishes to wash. We sweep the floor often because we have a lot of feet rushing through the house. I am thankful I picked out flooring in the back porch to match the dirt color in the yard because although I love spring, in our yard it is also mud season. But it is also the season for my fronr yard to be filled with lovely crocuses.
By changing your own perspective, who knows how many others you will influence?
Training Children to Be Quiet

Training Children to Be Quiet

It can be so easy to call to our children to tell them to do this or that. To have them change what they are doing or not by directing them by command or statement. But with most excellent parents I know, I don’t hear these from them. It is almost imperceptible how they are directing their children. A look, a nod in one direction and the child goes off and does what is needed.
Did you know the best horse trainers you can almost never see them directing their horse. A nudge with a knee, a slight pull on the reigns and this animal knows where it is supposed to go. Now I am not saying our children should be trained like animals, far from it. But it this behavior can be trained in horses, than how much better our children can be in this area.

Sit Training

Now, the parents I spoke of did not get this way overnight. It took training when they were young and at home. I know other mothers who don’t think children can sit in church. But I know it can be done. We have done it.  However, we don’t practice at church, we practice first at home. I remember many times either my husband and I watching our younger children that we put in a row on the couch with a talking tape on and they practiced siting, and not squirming. But they were quite able to manage it. Even at a young age. We have also practiced blanket time and quiet time. We start with practicing 15 minutes a day and work our way up to more than an hour.

Quiet Time

Right now we (or at least I) have a lot of quiet time in our home. Because I again have laryngitis. So I am practicing directing my children quietly. With most of them it is working well. We still have holdout but mama is more stubborn than he is so we will continue working at it. This is not just for my benefit, or the benefit of having a quieter home. Although with 10 people living here it is seldom quiet. Even soft voices multiplies by 10 is still noisy. This is for their benefit. Because if they can’t hear mom’s quiet voice, how will they hear God’s. And this is the voice I want them to ultimately listen for and to hear.

My Strength and Refuge

My Strength and Refuge


God is my refuge and my strength;
an ever-present help in a time of trouble.
Psalm 46:1

I spent 4 days  in the hospital. Severe asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, iv steroids. I have had enough steroids to make the Incredible Hulk seem benign. And this is the 2nd time in the hospital in just over 3 months. The hospital was a safe place to be and recuperate, a refuge. But my refuge, Who I run to over and over is not a place but a Person. My God. I have not been strong through this but He is. I struggled simply to breathe. God was my all. When I struggle to breathe, my thoughts are fairly consumed with all God can do. That even though hospitals are a great help, He is my Healer.  He  is my strength and refuge.

Jehovah Rophi– God Who Heals.

Ever Present

I need to make God present in every thought , not just when sick or in times of trouble, although that is an easy time to think of Him. Didn’t we as children run to Mom or Dad when we had a problem? Why is it so easy to just go on with our days without a thought when things are going well? Why do I want to be so self sufficient? Only  God is  sufficient. When I depend only on myself, I will always fail. Sure, maybe not at first. But I will eventually fall.  God alone is my strength and refuge.  He never fails.  Do you tend to rely on yourself? Is your self worth related to all you can do? I know that I have been there. Right now I am in a wheelchair. I hate being pushed around by other people. I feel like a toddler “I want to do it myself!” Not just because of the embarrassment but because it’s hard to be dependent.  But I already am, I just have to admit it. Do you struggle with this?  How do you keep your reliance on God ?


Cherishing Our Children

Cherishing Our Children


It is very easy to get caught up in feeding our children, clothing,educating, training , teaching, and on and on. This this is endless. But to cherish them is a different time and effort.


Webster’s defines cherish as to hold dear, to show affection for, to keep or cultivate with care. It is more being than doing. It is taking the time from the lists of things to do and simply share in your child’s sense of wonder. My “littles” are now 4 and 6. Where did the time go? I take great delight in watching them enjoy life.

My husband bought some new swings for the swing set yesterday. My 4 year old was off running. I heard him yell”thanks, Dad” as he ran as fast as he could to keep up with the rest to play on the new swings. Of course, they weren’t up yet. But the look on his face was wonderful to see. My 6 year old loves to sit on my lap and I type one handed at the keyboard still and loves to sing. I see my now 10 year old daughter looking so grown up but still loves Mom to brush her hair.

Time Speeds By

In the movie Yours, Mine and Ours (one of my favorite, the one with Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball) the most poignant line is when she is writing to her husband away at sea. “The days seem long but the weeks stream by.” I remember when I had 5 children 6 and under, it seemed like the days would never end and I would collapse into bed at the end of the day. As older mothers would say, you’ll miss this one day. I do. I don’t have the energy I did with my older children, but I wouldn’t give it up for the wisdom I have gained. Although, it certainly would be nice if my children would share a little of theirs. I stop more and look and listen. I love to watch them. That used to feel like a waste of time, to just sit and watch. But as time keeps speeding up I don a lot more of that. Some from less energy and I hope some from just being wiser.

Today I have a list of things to do. But one thing on that list is a hot dog and marshmallow roast with my children, whether the rest of the list is done or not.

My Perspective

My Perspective


I am in charge of my own perspective. Not letting my circumstances, my house, children, their actions or anything else take over in how I see and react to things.  When I come into the dining room and see the “tent” my children have created and the “store ” underneath with all the boxes, dishes and whatever else they found; I can think how creative they are and be thankful they have good imaginations or I can see a mess and tell them to quickly clean it up. I have been guilty of the later more than the former more often than I like to remember. It is very easy to see the mess that was just cleaned rather than the memories that were just created.

Setting the Tone

In the south their’s a saying” If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” And isn’t that the truth. We set the tone for our home. We are in charge of our attitudes and the atmosphere in our home. When we have a day when things don’t go quite right we can choose to keep our attitude right in the midst of it. You can put on a happy face, a little lipstick won’t hurt either. We are an example for our children in this. Do they see you rising above the circumstances of life or blaming them for all the things that aren’t quite right. Our children are watching more than listening. Do you set a happy tone?

It’s Your Decision

 When I go through our day I need to look at the things and see the blessings that are in my daily life. The many dishes in the kitchen are because we have food to eat . We sweep and vacuum the floor often because we have a lot of feet rushing through the house.  I can complain about laundry to fold or appreciate the many clean clothes we have.  I can complain about the duck poop in the back or enjoy nature that God created. Which side  will you look on?
By changing your own perspective, who knows how many others you will influence?

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