I’m writing to all of you moms with physical limits. Moms that never feel like they are doing enough. Moms that feel like a burden on their families. And Moms who feel like they can never catch up. This is for you. I teach Moms to thrive with their physical limitations. I’ve always written to moms, but now I’m writing specifically to you.

After the last year, my focus has changed. My limitations were not always seen, but I lived with them every day. Now, my physical limits are apparent for everyone to see. And resources are few, moms who understand and walk this path even less. So I hope to soon open a community just for moms like us.

Physical Limits

I have physical limits I deal with every day and I’m guessing you do too. Having had Charcot, an amputation, fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic pain, and am currently in a wheelchair. I’ve had over 30 surgeries and 40 hospitalizations. Resilience and humility have been words I am well acquainted with. I’ve struggled where you have and learned many tips and tricks to make it easier to thrive as a wife, mom, and homemaker.

Resources to Help You

Learn how to set energy limits on your day. The best resource I’ve found is The Spoon Theory. But I will also teach you how to use the best time of day for you. For instance, I know I have to all my brain work in the morning. I have foggy thinking later in the day and I make more mistakes. I also have stories already regarding amputations, recovery, when you feel like a burden., living with chronic pain, and Charcot. What would you want to learn about?

Daily Helps

There are tools to use to help. I use and have a love/hate relationship with my wheelchair. I love it because I can get around, but I hate that I have to use it. Then I have an IWalk that I’m trying to learn to use. I’m getting a new socket on my prosthetic leg next week. You might use crutches, braces of some kind, or a walker. That’s great! It makes you more Independent. There are tools in the kitchen to help and I use my grabber every day.

Learn How To Live with Bad Days

Living life with physical limits brings new challenges and triumphs. Some days I feel so bad most of the day I spend in bed. And there are days I have more energy than others and can get a lot done. I have to rely on other people all the time right now. It’s a great way to learn humility, whether you want to or not. Smile. I keep a running to-do list of things I want to learn, books to read, and articles to write. It’s also a great day to cuddle and watch a movie.

Attitude is Everything

It’s all in your attitude. I hear people all the time ask me why I would go through so much. Even a daughter who walked away from God because she told me ” Mom, you have believed and served God and this is what he’s done to you. ” I have never asked God “Why?” I have asked them why not me? Why do people expect God to be a genie in a lamp granting wishes?

Now, I don’t enjoy being in pain all the time, being an amputee, having 2 house fires, and over 30+ surgeries. But I do know there’s a purpose for everything. I know God is still faithful. God is still good, even when I can’t see the purpose. And how I look at everything makes the difference. You can still bless others and enjoy life even with physical limitations. What would you like to learn about and how can I help?



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Christina Renee

Hi, I'm Christina, a wife of 33 years, mom of 10 and grandmother of 3. I love to help other Moms with mothering, organizing their homes and routines. I've had a lot of struggles with illness having fibromyalgia and being an amputee. Talking to other moms with the challenges that bring and succeeding in spite of it.

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